Friday, May 16, 2014

Last day of ECFE

I can not believe that ecfe is already over for Addy.  The year has gone by sooooo fast and she has LOVED every single minute of her school.  She is very sad to be done and she thinks she is going to preschool next week.  She even told me today the name of her preschool teacher, and it is a hard name to pronounce.  God, help me come next friday when Isaac goes to school and she does not.

I have done ECFE with both Isaac (2 years) and Addy for 1 year.  I have always enjoyed my time, meeting new moms and sharing our experiences with our children.  I will be sad that this chapter in my parenting is over, but I am beyond excited to see what Addy is like in preschool!  My kids are very opposite each other, I just can't wait to see Addy in this new setting.  She will have one friend from ecfe in her class to help with the transition but I don't think she will need it.  She sees Isaac going there all the time, so I remain hopeful she will do amazing!

Addy had her school carnival yesterday and last day of school today so here are a few pictures from both days.
Oh and the first one is the first day of school in September, look at how much she has grown!!!

sept 2013 first day of school

pointing to her classroom (sept 2013)

Look at those chubby cheeks still (sept 2013)

The end of the year.....
fish pond at the carnival

bean bag toss at the carnival

Last day of school

teacher gifts

Teacher Louise and teacher Andi.  She LOVED them both!


dress up

puppet show

making friendship mix for the last day

snack time, everyone's favorite part of class

1st trip to the dentist

Turning a year older means a lot of check up's for Addy, and turning 3 means her first trip to the dentist.  She did very well getting her teeth counted, cleaned, and checked for cavities.  Which by the way she has none.  She even got through two x-rays, but then came the time to polish her teeth.  She made it through the top, but when the spit sucker was brought out so were the tears.  That's okay we made it through the majority and even found out that the roots of her baby teeth are starting to come up already, the dentist thinks she will lose her baby teeth early.  Maybe by the age of 5?!  That's crazy!

Here are a few pics:

Mother's Day

This year for Mother's day Seth worked some pretty late hours on my present, getting it all put in while I was asleep.  That alone was an awesome present; that I didn't have to watch the children while he did another project on the house.
A while back I saw on pinterest this awesome idea of an outdoor sink.  I thought it would be fantastic to wash the veggies from the garden, the kids could wash their dirty hands from playing outside, etc.  So that is now what I have.  I think it is great!!

We had a great day spending it with both of our Mom's.  I didn't have to cook, or clean up any messes for a day.  It was great!

Here are just a few pictures, I didn't really feel like playing photographer either, I just wanted a day of doing nothing.

picture of the outdoor sink

helping Nana open her presents

Looking at her book of the kids

These two are sooooooooo close

Me and my incredible mom!