Friday, January 24, 2014

sledding playdate

Thank you Mother Nature for allowing us one day this week that we could leave our house and stand to be outside for more than 30 seconds.  The temp said it was 31 degrees but with the wind we were still a bit chilly out on those hills today.

Isaac and his buddy Brady went sledding for two hours today.  I think they would have stayed longer but my little Addy was cold....tired and not having it anymore!!!

The fresh air was delightful...Everyone will sleep so well tonight.  Back inside the rest of the weekend and pretty sure Monday.  This winter is rough!

trying to pull Brady back up the hill

in the distance


swinging in January!!

waiting for the boys to stop taking their sweet time

yep, they would have played a lot longer.  Batman and Robin is what they were playing today.  It was hard to get them to leave!!


"Mom, we want to make the volcano out of captain underpants' book."  Sigh, I was really hoping to save this for the weekend with their dad but the never ending questioning lead us to our science fun filled afternoon.
They were both very interested in the experiment and in the true fashion of experimenting kept asking,"well....what happens if we do this, add this or add more of this???"  The questions kept coming, I felt like Isaac was at least learning something and so we continued.  Some of these we did before last winter....and I have been told we will be doing more this weekend so stay tuned.

What started all of this was the activity that I originally had planned for the afternoon or at least (5 min) of the afternoon when working with toddlers melting crayons into new crayons.  We have soooooo many old & broken crayons that it was time to do something with them.  Learning about the melting process and the reformation of a new crayon brought Isaac's mind to his favorite book about captain underpants.  That is how the baking soda and vinegar were brought out of the cupboard.

placing of the crayons

end result: new round crayons

trying them out

baking soda and vinegar volcano

what happens if we put in blueberries.  They settled for cranberries.

answer: nothing, they do not explode which is what they were hoping would happen.

watching soap explode

what happens if we add the soap to the volcano, what happens when we shake it?

making elephant paste: dish soap, food coloring, baking soda, peroxide and yeast

They LOVED this one

It was pretty cool

Beauty shop

Addy is now booking appointments at her new beauty shop.  Slots are filling up fast.  If you are in need of a new look, or want to try out some new lip gloss this gal is your lady!!! 

Isaac was such a great sport the other day and volunteered to play with her.  (Pretty sure based on those smiles he didn't mind too much)!!

These pictures are not the best...but I had to share.
lip gloss...look close he is already sporting some new (ring and bracelet)

trying another kind of lip gloss

all smiles about what necklace to where

The happy and finished customer!!!

I have no idea why Addy does not have a shirt on!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Addy's favorite things to do

Just lately Addy has two favorite things to do.  The first is giving her babies a bath and the second is making meals.  She does both very well and wants to do both all the time.  I can't make dinner without her right by my side and her chair in my way!!!  She is a big help, complete with taste testing everything even before it is done.  Hmmmmmmm could be the real reason she wants to help in the kitchen. 

washing the baby

so much fun!!!

washing the baby in the sink this time

yep, frozen beans are good

yes, she actually started eating the bread like this.

Then she agreed to just have a piece but she buttered it herself.

Funny she was hungry at all for supper when it was done cooking but she was.  & she was hungry for seconds too!!

I love her so much...and I love all of her help even if it takes us twice as long :)