Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pump it up with the cousins

Thanks Keegan and Ethan for going to pump it up with Isaac.  He loved playing with you guys!!

Under construction again!

What started out as a simple project has once again turned into much much more!!  I thought it would be a good idea to put the black sealant stuff on the driveway this summer.  Seth of course agreed and we are just getting around to starting this project.  Well...This lead to the idea that when it rains a pool forms at the bottom of our stairs.  After digging up asphalt for hours, Seth finally reached dirt that was in the form of MUD!!!  The ground is so saturated in front of these stairs.  A drain now needs to be put in and then we decided concrete should be poured there instead.  YIKES!!  Why couldn't it be as easy as painting the driveway with the black goop!!
Isaac however is loving this project.  Addy is too when she is allowed close by.
Isaac wanted a turn with the big shovel and gave Daddy the small plastic one!

watching from the stairs

Look Mom, I have dirt on my hand.

she needed to get involved!

The start of the hole....yes, that is the start

Isaac playing on the mounds of torn up concrete, asphalt and mud!

Isaac felt the need to jump in this hole full of mud

His shoes.

Most of what Seth dug out today, minus a trailer full as well.

Friday, August 3, 2012

St.Croix Railroad with Grandma and Grandpa

Isaac might be taking after his Grandpa Miller with his love for trains.  We took a short trip right over the border to the St. Croix Railroad just a few weeks ago.  It was hot, but a lot of fun.  We were able to ride on Four different trains that took us through the woods, up hills, through tunnels and across bridges.  Isaac and Grandpa were both in Heaven.  Thanks to Grandpa, making friends with the president of the railroad we were also able to get a tour of the roundhouse.  It was a great afternoon!  Here are a few pics!
so excited for the train ride

waiting for the train with grandpa

on the little scale train

off they go!

Addy liked Grandpa because he had candy!

waiting for our turn

grandma and Isaac on the last train ride

President of the railroad...aka Grandpa David's new friend!