Saturday, August 27, 2011

Can you feel the LOVE?

Isaac and Addy are very close and if you don't believe me all you need to do is spend about an hour at my house.  Isaac is constantly looking out for her and asking where she is and what she is doing.  He always wants to bring her on his big boy outings (except when he gets to go to Nana's he never asks to bring her there).  And on the flip side Addy watches Isaac all day long, lights up when he enters the room and laughs constantly at everything he does.  There is truly a bong between these two that my description does not do justice too.  Maybe these pics will help.
He always wants to hold Addy

pushing Addy to keep her sleeping.  He said she soooo tired!

Holding hands

She is laughing at him and trying to get him to hold her hand again

Nothing to do with Isaac but she was being cute with her legs

Catching her Zzzzz's where she can

who doesn't like to sleep like this?

All sprawled out on daddy's belly

the swing works too

so tired!

With Isaac running around all day, and Addy wanting to watch everything sleeping during the day is very hard for her.  She is awake almost all day, with a few cat naps here or there.  Sleeping where ever she can for now.  Thank goodness she does do better at night though!

Poor Addy

It is every Mom's worst fear, the sound of earth shattering crying from your precious baby.  Everyone knows Addy can make some noise with her crying, however every mom also knows the sound of the crying and what it means.  On friday I heard for the first time Addy's pain cry and there is nothing worse.  Unfortunately, poor little Isaac gave his sister a swollen/black eye.  What started as a fun game of throwing his shoes into the trees ended when the shoe came crashing down on Addy's little face.  Thankfully she checked out at the Dr., no broken bones and/or vision impairments.  They rest assured me that there was no brain damage (yes, I was worried about the brain and anyone who knows the Millers, knows why) and ultimately had a few laughs at my expense.  I didn't care, I needed to know my baby girl was okay!  Isaac on the other hand has been instructed to keep his shoes on his feet.  What a day!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Discover your parks

This week at Discover your parks in roseville Lily came too!!  It was such a fun night to watch Isaac and Lily out and about.  They both love doing their own things and often end up trying what they really didn't want to do just because the other one was doing it.  They both had a blast on the jungle gym going down the slide too many times to count.  Isaac did some arts and crafts and then they both went in the jump castle where Lily bounced Isaac while he say by the door.  Then it was time for the puppet show and Lily sat still for the story while Isaac played yard games.  At the very end they went in the puppet wagon together!  It was so cute and we were the last to leave the park that night.  Everyone had a great time!!
Making his bird puppet

playing soccer with dad

climbing the ladder

down the slide

Isaac and Lily

Lily jumping Isaac

inside the puppet wagon

Lily telling a story

Lily is behind Pooh

Como Lake

Last weekend we went on a walk around como lake.  Isaac brought his bike and he rode it about half way around and then decided to walk the rest of the way.  WOW!!!  That is about 1.5 miles not including all the docks and trips to the waterfalls, etc.  I was hoping he would nap for sure that day and he did but only about an hour.  Are you kidding me?  If that doesn't wear out a 2 year old I don't know what will!  I still can't believe he biked/walked so far!
rest stop

checking out one of the docks

chasing daddy

Addy and Daddy

snack stop

Addy and Mommy

Looking at the ducks

all smiles

checking out the water fall

running down the hill

soooo fast!

All dressed up for Uncle AJ

Uncle AJ recently moved to Washington with his girlfriend Alana and Addy wanted to get all dressed up for his going away party.  Here is our mini photo shoot before heading out to the party.  We miss you AJ!!
Complete with tights

Wow, we take great pics!  impossible to get all three to look at the camera.

Isaac talking to baby

close up

close up being silly

Road Construction Nightmare

We are under road construction around here this summer and it has not been fun to say the least.  Water and gas are randomly shut off and there is noise everyday that shakes the house.  Isaac to say the least is afraid of the machines and the other morning we woke up to them right in our yard.  I can see why he is scared!  No fun, can't wait for the nice roads!!

Most of these were taken right in the driveway or on the deck.  Scary for a two year old to have such a big machine in his yard.  He was worried about his bike out on the lawn!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Flash Back

Isaac recently finished swimming lessons for the summer and PASSED!!  He gets to move up to pre-school level one.  So proud of him!  This was a big deal because this was the first time he was in the water without Seth and he did Great!!  Last fall I took his picture on his last day of swim and this summer I took it again and it looks like two different kids!  Isaac has grown up so much in just the past 9 months or so.  He is now on his way to 3 and will start swimming again after the big re-model of the pool in October.
August 2010
throwing the eggs

Going to get his treat and Certificate

showing dad his report card and treat