Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Learning something new

I decided it was time that I learn how to put video on here, especially before Baby 2's arrival.  So I am experimenting today with a video taken by Louise (Isaac's Auntie).  The videos were taken with her phone so the quality is not exceptional, however I am proud of myself that I was able to figure out how to put them up on here.  Thanks Louise for sharing the video!  Enjoy Isaac's silly moments playing with Grandpa and Grandma Miller and if you listen carefully you can hear him saying his colors in one of them.  All except red of course, he will NOT say RED!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Baby 2 has a room!!

Approximately two weeks before baby 2 is expected to arrive (although, I would love for baby 2 to be early) we can say, baby 2 finally has a room to come home too!!  The computers have been moved, the room has been painted, crib set up and a few clothes (I really mean a few since we don't know what gender baby 2 is) are waiting in the dresser drawers.  A big thank you to my mom and dad for doing the painting!  Enjoy the pictures of the room and Isaac and Seth setting up the crib.  We are so fortunate to have a family member give us their old crib so we didn't have to get Isaac out of his, I am not ready to fight the battle of a toddler bed.
Isaac helping Daddy with baby 2's crib

Holding something in place for Daddy

Finally, got to climb on top
The room so far

crib all set up

Another year older...Another year Wiser

Isn't that the saying that people use, that you get smarter with age.  Well...I have Isaac to thank for this holding true so early in my 28th year.  Isaac has been struggling some time with an ear infection that won't go away and then on my birthday a fever of a 103!  Nobody tells you how hard it is to be a mom and only after you are a mom do you figure out what you put your own mom through.  If it wasn't for my mom I would have never made it through the multiple days of sickness, high temperatures and multiple multiple different antibiotics.  There is something about those "experienced" moms that I envy.  Their calmness, patience and energy to know what to do all the time, I wonder will that ever be me?  I think Isaac has helped start me down that path early in my 28th year, and with baby 2 about two weeks away, there is no telling what is in store.  One thing is for sure, I will NEVER stop learning from the best mom in the world, how to be a GREAT MOM.  I look forward to my 28th year, and getting wiser.
Flowers from Seth for my birthday.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Basement update

It has been a while since I updated on the never ending basement project.  We are now reaching the stages of final touches, staining, carpet and organizing.  The goal now is too just get things organized with a few minor things left, in order to get baby 2's room ready in time.  The rest will have to wait for spring and summer for the final touches of stained doors, molding etc.  We have come a long way and big thank you to our families for all of their help and support, what a LONG project but we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel!

Isaac wasted no time taking over the basement with his cars and trucks
He made about 15 - 20 trips bringing one truck at a time
bathroom, as of now
close up of the tile floor which is great!!
Isaac loves it downstairs
Parking all the cars on the stairs

Happy 30th Birthday Em!

My sister Emily turned the big 3 0 at the beginning of the month.  A small mini surprise party was thrown in her honor with some of my cousins and one of their little boys Tyler was there to play with Isaac.  Everyone had a great time and the birthday girl was VERY surprised.  Thanks Everyone for coming and making it so special for her.
A few of the decorations
Emily sitting by the sign that Isaac made for her
Reaction when the door opened (surprise)
The door opened to family wear hats and blowing noise makers and yelling happy birthday
Trying to warm up to Tyler with the noise makers (looks like Seth is enjoying it more)
Playing cars with Tyler
Tyler wearing the bucket for a hat
Singing happy birthday to Emily!