Sunday, October 20, 2013

MEA break = All kinds of Halloween FUN!

Isaac was very excited to have a day off of school!  Despite the nasty cold/cough he had we still had LOTS of fun together.  I tried to make these days extra special for him.  We stayed VERY busy making all kinds of Halloween treats,projects, movies and more.  We ended our weekend with our annual trip on the pumpkin train.  Despite the snow it was a great time!!

Making a paper plate skeleton

ordering all the parts after the cutting

drawing the face

finger painting spiders

the black was a new color for us so it was so fun!

painting a jack O latern

writing the word Boo before finger painting some ghosts

Trying to find all the halloween cookie cutters.  This one Isaac said is "for Jesus' baptism"

making sugar cookies

sorting m & m's for the pumpkin pretzels

painting pumpkins

Our Barney

pumpkin train

fish pond at the dresser depot

haunted depot

Isaac was too cool to sport his costume this year...But Barney was awesome!

Her flower balloon sword

picking out their pumpkins

nice hat seth

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Twin Cities Harvest Festival and Maze

Today we went to the largest corn maze in MN.  It was a bit chilly...the weather was not as predicted.  But we made the most of it...dressed warm and the kids had a blast.  The corn pit was the biggest hit...pretty sure if that was the only activity they would have been okay with that. 

Special thanks to Grandma Mimi for coming with and making the day so special. 

If you have never been or are looking for a fun filled afternoon you should check this place out.  Located in Brooklyn park.

There are tons of pictures so brace yourselves.

blue ox

corn maze here we come

hay bale maze

petting zoo