Thursday, April 24, 2014

Nature Center field trip

Now that I can feel my fingers again after the cold and wind from yesterdays field trip I am able to look at it from a somewhat different perspective.  Although it was cold and miserable to stand outside for two hours, the kids had a BLAST they never once complained and were eager to do everything that was planned for them.  It was so much fun to see Isaac and his buddies interacting and playing so well together, while using their imaginations to play so many things.  It was incredible to watch.  AND at the same time I felt sad.  Next year is going to be starting all over...all the boys are going to different schools and this friendship will never be the same.  AND not just for Isaac...I have grown to care for each one of these boys and have great friendships with all their mom's.  So this field trip really just got me started thinking about the end of the preschool years and the fresh start ahead.  I already miss those boys and their loud voices running through the house!!!

Paying attention to the indoor part of the field trip.

playing with plastic bugs

Out on a hunt

building a house


Best buddy since 1 1/2 years old.  They have never been in a classroom without each other

All my favorite boys.

All holding hands...they are so sweet.

Ballet class

Addy started ballet class this past Monday.  It was all her idea and she has been waiting over a month for it to start.  Very excited but then when we got there she was very shy.  The conditions of the class were very poor, and I was also very disappointed.  However, we tried to make the most of it.  I went out with Addy and she danced a little.  If you ask her she says she had a great time.  I guess that is all that matters.  We will try again this coming Monday, hopefully she will be less shy and the room will be in better condition.

Despite that she was the prettiest little ballerina I have ever seen. :)

trying on her shoes

all ready to go

walking into class carrying her shoes in her little pink purse

outside the building

Beginning of class when Addy wasn't shy yet

dancing with animals

dancing with ribbons


As usual my kids were so excited for Easter.  They LOVE all holidays, and all the prep, activities, baking,etc. They are game for anything when it has to do with a holiday.

This year we did our usual Easter egg hunt, this time while Seth was away.  Wasn't quite the same but the kids still had fun.  We also made many crafts and yummy treats for Easter Sunday. 

Church on Easter was very impressive also.  St Odilia did a remarkable job with music, including horns of all sorts.  The kids and I brought up the gifts and the Fr. James even sang his homily.  It was very impressive.  If you are Catholic there is no way you would disagree with me on this being the best Easter service you have ever been too.

Here are some pictures from our Easter season.

Playing in the gym before the egg hunt

scored a goal

doing a little bowling

playing fire truck

Easter Bunny

hunting for eggs

All the eggs they found

coloring some Easter eggs

Easter bunny masks

Making Easter bunny puppets

finished bunny

finished bunny

Easter egg hunt on Sunday morning

Isaac found his basket



Addy got ballerina stuff

head dive for the bunny who was sleeping in her bed

trying on her tutu stuff

Easter egg hunt at Nana and Papa's

Easter Bunny at Nana's brought some awesome outdoor toys

The neighbors had a cop friend stop by so Isaac got to sit in the car

Isaac and Papa

Addy turned Three!!

It doesn't seem possible but it is true that Addy turned three.  She remains a little spit fire, big attitude and is hilarious to say the least.  I have been told this maybe some genes from her mother shining through.  Not sure how I feel about that at the moment, but none the less she remains AMAZING!!

We had a princess party for Addy.  She LOVED it!  A big thank you to all who came and helped to make her day so special.  She will forever be our little princess!!!

birthday princess and her cake

check out Isaac in the back

A kiss from her prince

Me and my princess

My babies

choo choo Bob sent her a card and money


This one shows Addy's attitude

What an awesome big brother to play dress up princess with her

Giving everyone a check up with her new doc Mcstuffins gear