Friday, July 12, 2013

Riding bikes to "school"

This has to be one of the cutiest games they have come up with thus far this summer.  Now, that Addy nows how to ride trike they pedal their bikes wearing their helmets and backpacks to "school".  "school" is a place on the lawn once there they attend gym class and I am the teacher.  They do jumping, running, stretches, etc. and then they get back on their bikes and pedal home.  Pretty sure Isaac created this game but Addy is pretty stoked she gets to attend school.  She does not like it when we drop Isaac off at his activities this summer or real school, so she LOVES playing this.
I think this is where she was waiting for Isaac to give her instructions

He was racing back for his back pack

This was the BEST moment of the game...Isaac helped her get her backpack on and was cheering her on.

Looking back to make sure Isaac was coming...she was not going alone

off to "school"

long ride to "school"

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