Little Miss Addy is once again battling another medical problem. I can't believe how much this precious girl has been through and she is just barely two. This week we purchased our own nebulizer and she went back to using it up to four times a day. Just in the past couple of days we have been able to only do it once. The question seems to be what is going on with her? It is pretty straightforward on symptoms but not so clear cut on diagnosis. She had a super bad cough about a month ago and we were told she had croup. She used a nebulizer at this time and it went away immediately. About a week ago she got this cough and runny nose back, her cough is so bad that no one sleeps at night and she can't stop coughing. Back into the dr. we went and were advised to get our own nebulizer and start the meds again. This particular Dr. told me Addy had restrictive airway disease, and she also said we will know more about the possibility of asthma if this cough returns in another month or so.
So basically it is a waiting game. We are getting Addy over this hurdle/round of cough now and praying that it doesn't return. If it does return then we go to see a specialist. We are asking for prayers for our little girl while we wait to see what happens next.
This week has not been the greatest for one morning we went on our own special errands while Isaac was at school. We went to choo choo Bob's her favorite person on the planet and then to the park to play with some of Isaac's friends siblings. You can't tell by her activity level that she doesn't feel well. The cough does not stop her. I loved this special morning with her, I love her so much!
Addy holding her own mask for the medicine to come out. |
she fell asleep doing it the other night |
singing a choo choo Bob song while waiting for the store to open |
very vocal...she gave all the people enjoying their morning coffee a show. |
cheese |
she was so excited to watch these trains. she would walk back and forth, bend down and get nervous when she couldn't find them or they came out of a tunnel. It was fun to see how excited she was without just copying her brother. |
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