Friday, May 31, 2013

Thank you Mrs. Mazzocco & Mrs. Strong

Isaac is officially on summer vacation.  His first year of preschool has come to a close and it was with great saddness on everyone's part.  I can honestly say that Isaac was incredibly happy each and every day at school, he had wonderful teachers and he has made some very good friends.  It was an awesome year that nobody wanted to see end.  His teacher was remarkable!  Everyday before dismissing the children she told the parents how the day went, what activities they did and any other fun tidbits about the day.  On the last day she stood before us with tears strolling down her cheeks and trying so hard to fight back the tears.  She said," I don't want it to end, I LOVE each and every one of these children, and I am going to miss them so much."  Just one of the many many times throughout the year that I was reassured that I picked the right school for Isaac.

This week I talked to Isaac a lot about being thankful for his teachers and we got little presents to show our gratitude.  I felt it was very important for Isaac to work on his own thank you cards for his teachers. He can now write most of his letters so it only seemed right that he write his thank you's. Isaac and I sat down one afternoon and we brainstormed what he was thankful for and then wrote his cards.  He came up with three things for each teacher.  I was very impressed and glad that Isaac did this so well.  I feel so strongly about showing appreciation and thanks where it is due.

His teachers were shocked and very appreciative of the time we spent to make those cards.  I know Isaac was proud of what he did.
Thank you Mrs. Mazzocco and Mrs. Strong for your dedication throughout the year to our little ones.
Isaac thanked his teacher for going outside, art and going to the farm

this one was for playing cars, reading and sensory table

He even wrote their names on the outside of the cards

Friday, May 24, 2013

Field Trip to the farm

I went on Isaac's school field trip this week and chaproned him and his little friend Blake.  WOW!  what an adventure, and the weather sure did not help out any.  As you can imagine 44 preschoolers on a bus was crazy...but the boys loved it.  Isaac woke up for weeks asking everyday if it was the day he got to ride the school bus.  I am so thankful the boys had fun, that Isaac got to ride the school bus and that there was only one field trip this year.  ha ha

waiting in line for the bus

getting on the bus for the first time

silly on the bus ride to the farm

silly on the hayride

so cute, holding hands to the next building

holding a chick

jumping in the hay

Isaac's class in front of the barn

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Isaac the power ranger

Isaac loves power rangers and when I went to the kids sale this week I saw this and knew he immediately needed to have it for his dress up collection.  He is THRILLED!!!!!

Youth Outdoor Expo

We took the kids to a youth outdoor expo today and oh my GOSH....they had a blast!!!  This was completely free for kids, $5 for adults and we were there four hours!!  We walked through the woods on trails to vendors tables set up with tons of activities and things for kids to do and learn about.  Our kids walked the whole way...Everyone was exhausted but on cloud nine from all the things they got to do. It was a GREAT day!
I am just going to let the pictures explain the activities.  Get ready there are LOTS!!
A really really bumpy tractor ride into the woods

1st stop was a "ride" in an airplane with Isaac and Addy as pilots

Next they made bird feeders and the lady was so nice to open a brand new bag of seed without peanuts for Addy.

Holding baby pheasants

shooting a paint gun

shooting a sling shoot, he actually hit the target on his last round!

practicing his fishing casting skills

walking through the woods

Addy loved "riding" on all the cars

Addy and four wheeler

Isaac LOVED this station

shooting the bb gun.  He hit the target three times and got to keep his paper.

trout fishing

boat racing

touching a turtle.  This was a teacher from WBL who brought out all the animals from his classroom.

waiting his turn for a "boat" ride

sorry I forgot to rotate.

petting the alligator

This was Addy's favorite.  She fed all the animals.

Look carefully at her face

she wanted to pet the horsey so bad but then look at her face

The last stop was the balloon tent for swords.

Isaac showing off his power ranger/star war moves
Pretty sure I missed a couple of things...but you get the idea.  TONS of outdoor fun and we just made it home before the afternoon storm started.  Isaac asked about 10 times if we could go back tomorrow.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Nature walk

Recently the kids and I went on a nature hike, it was tons of fun.  Both kids walked the entire way, no whining they were too busy looking for the owl, and check marks on our map.  It was a great morning, and nice weather.  We will for sure be doing this again soon, and hopefully we will see the owls next time.  No luck this time.  Before going on our hike we spent a while in the nature center playing at looking at all the cool animals.  we were the only ones there so the kids had the run of the place and LOVED it.
ribbit ribbit ribbit

playing frogs

reading a story

He was holding a fake snake above his head and running around

looking at the snake

picture from our hike

Little Miss Addy

Little Miss Addy is once again battling another medical problem.  I can't believe how much this precious girl has been through and she is just barely two.  This week we purchased our own nebulizer and she went back to using it up to four times a day.  Just in the past couple of days we have been able to only do it once.  The question seems to be what is going on with her?  It is pretty straightforward on symptoms but not so clear cut on diagnosis.  She had a super bad cough about a month ago and we were told she had croup.  She used a nebulizer at this time and it went away immediately.  About a week ago she got this cough and runny nose back, her cough is so bad that no one sleeps at night and she can't stop coughing.  Back into the dr. we went and were advised to get our own nebulizer and start the meds again.  This particular Dr. told me Addy had restrictive airway disease, and she also said we will know more about the possibility of asthma if this cough returns in another month or so.

So basically it is a waiting game.  We are getting Addy over this hurdle/round of cough now and praying that it doesn't return.  If it does return then we go to see a specialist.  We are asking for prayers for our little girl while we wait to see what happens next.

This week has not been the greatest for one morning we went on our own special errands while Isaac was at school.  We went to choo choo Bob's her favorite person on the planet and then to the park to play with some of Isaac's friends siblings.  You can't tell by her activity level that she doesn't feel well.  The cough does not stop her.  I loved this special morning with her, I love her so much!
Addy holding her own mask for the medicine to come out.

she fell asleep doing it the other night

singing a choo choo Bob song while waiting for the store to open

very vocal...she gave all the people enjoying their morning coffee a show.


she was so excited to watch these trains.  she would walk back and forth, bend down and get nervous when she couldn't find them or they came out of a tunnel.  It was fun to see how excited she was without just copying her brother.