Monday, September 17, 2012


Isaac is playing soccer this fall through the same park and rec that he played blastball with this summer.  I am not sure he likes it as much as blastball, in fact I know he doesn't.  I know for sure that soccer is a much harder sport for the kids to learn than blastball.  I am working on various theories but I am pretty sure me being a volunteer coach has a lot to do with it.  I thought it would be fun to be involved in one of Isaac's activities when the opportunity presented itself, however it is very hard to coach others and your son at the same time.  Isaac doesn't seem to want to share my attention.  I should be flattered right?  But instead it makes for a frustrating 50 minutes.  Hopefully, the next four weeks Isaac will get more used to it and will want to participate more.
Warming up on the field

playing with Onya (friend from ECFE)

Addy in the midst of all the soccer balls


Me, Isaac Coach Tom (the other volunteer coach) and Bobby trying to kick the ball in the right direction!!

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