Saturday, April 28, 2012

Addy's first haircut

I really really didn't want to cut her hair but she left us with no choice.  Lately, she is refusing to keep any binders, or any hair pieces in her hair.  Resulting in her hair dangling so far into her eyes that I believe it was one of the reasons she was having accidents with the walls.  So Nana cut her bangs,and a fine job she did and my baby doesn't look like a baby anymore.  She really looks like a little girl!!
See for yourself.
The before

another before shot

half way done and she can see!!

Just a little more

she was being told how pretty she was

All done, wow she can see!

she has eyes!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Choo Choo Bob premiere

If you know Isaac you know that his world revolves around two things, cars and trains!  There is a local train tstore in st paul called Choo Choo Bob's that has a storytime a couple times a month and has 6 train tables for kids to play at.  It is a HUGE hit and people who come drive quite the distance.  We are lucky to be as close as we are.  There is a one of a kind place, and trust me it would be worth the drive for a storytime with Engineer Paul.  Isaac LOVES going and we go about twice a month.  The owner of this store happens to be a local movie producer who has done work on local movies such as the grumpy old men.  He started a show called the choo choo bob show and has several dvd's and cd's with the music.  We are of course owners of a couple thanks to Grandpa David.  Just recently they made and released 5 new shows and had a GRAND PREMIERE at the riverview theatre in Minneapolis. 

Isaac had swim lessons that morning so we went after that and the place was packed to say the least.  Good thing I bought tickets ahead of time because it was SOLD OUT, standing room only in the theatre.  Not only did they show the new shows on the big screen but the band played live.  Isaac called it the,"Choo choo Bob rock band concert."  It was pretty amazing to see a local artist draw such a crowd and all the money was given to a local food shelf.  Isaac had a blast not only was it his first movie experience but he also got to meet Choo Choo Bob!!  He was on cloud nine that day!  Thank you Choo Choo Bob for creating such an enriching and educational store, storytime and events for young children!
walking to the theatre.

outside by the sign

Isaac being shy with Choo Choo Bob

The band playing

sitting so cute in his seat.

oops you can slide back in these seats.  we were lucky to even get seats!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

And here we go AGAIN

This past Friday we took Addy into Children's St Paul Emergency.  Isaac and Addy were playing downstairs and Addy ran directly into the corner of the wall.  Her little forehead instantly had a huge bump that was slowly turning various colors.  I called Urgent Care (it was about 6:30) and they said no, she needed to go to the ER.  Seth flew out the door with her while I stayed behind to put the worried Isaac to bed and follow his routine.  Then...I flew out the door.  When I got there she was doing well, the Dr. came in about 30 seconds after I got there and said Addy would be fine.  No x-rays were taken because of the location of the bump and how she actually did it.  However, when I got there Addy had a rash all over her body.  I did not notice this prior to her leaving for the hospital.  The dr. of course looked at it and believed it to be a allergic reaction to food.  She was given medicine for that there because she was itching like crazy.  Now, trying to figure out what the food allergy might of now the best bets are either eggs or tofu.  Please Please be tofu!!  The Dr. at the ER also checked her ears since she was put on medicine again for an ear infection the week prior.   This lead to the more great news.  Her ears were still red and the dr. asked me why she had a second hole in one of her ears?  what???  This was news to me and she wondered if it happened during the surgery for the tubes.  NOTHING has ever been said to us about this and we were at the ENT this Tuesday!!  She was fairly certain this would heal on its own, I am fairly certain someone better have some answers for me from the ENT on Monday!  She also confirmed that the tubes are still in there but in her opinion were in a weird position.  what?!  We just saw an ENT on Tuesday did I mention that and NOTHING was said.

What started as going to the ER for her head injury, ended with knowing that she now has a food allergy and an extra hole in her right ear.  Friday night I didn't sleep at all.  They said to watch her for 72 hours because of her head bump.  I had to cancel her one year old pictures for the 4th time and we have been to the ER now 3 times in four months.  We deserve a break!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I hang on...

Isaac met Addy on April 7, 2011 two days after she was born.  Not the plan but that is what happened.  I will NEVER forget what he said when he saw her or the look he had on his face.  You could not wipe the grin off for starters, little did he know we were bringing her home.  But he asked so softly and with one little finger, "I touch eyes, I touch nose, I touch mouth, I touch chin, I touch hands."  Then when he was done with that he said, " I hang on." as he motioned to pick her up to hold her. 

A whole year has passed and he has grown into an amazing BIG brother and LOVES her unconditionally.  There have been so many times throughout the year that he has held her and mostly because he has asked and I will admit a couple where he has just grabbed.  But I have never been prouder of my little boy!  When Addy is sad and crying he runs to get me and tells me,"Addy needs you mommy, she is crying."  When we go on outings he always sticks up for her and makes sure other kids play nice around her.  OR he demands they give the toy back to his sista, as he says it.  And today I had to take Addy back to the ENT.  Isaac is aware that Addy's ears hurt and she was screaming at the dr's.  Once when she needed to have a test and once when the dr. looked in her ears.  Both times Isaac's eyes filled with tears, his lip quivered and he said,"Addy okay?  Addy okay?"  And in the waiting room when a little boy touched her, he got right off his chair and said, "NO, this is our baby." 

Isaac loves his sister to pieces and pieces and more pieces as he says and he has never let go since the first time he asked to hang on!  Keep hanging on Isaac, she loves you right back!
A year of hanging on in review
I touch...

First time he said,"I hang on."

The first hug he ever gave her.
may 2011, still saying I touch...

laying with Addy

May 2011
waiting at swim lessons and he wanted to hold her hand

holding hands again

holding addy in her chair  June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
could have been one of those times I wasn't prepared for.

lounging together

What are you doing Isaac?

Sept. 2011  Isaac's first day of school for the year
oct. 2011

He needed to sleep with her (they look like they are both sleeping)  yep, that's my kids!

I hold baby

Again another time I wasn't ready for.  Holding on...
Dec. 2011
March 2012
April 7, year exactly when Isaac held her the first time

Isaac is still asking to hang on...These are the loves of my life

Happy Easter!!

Despite colds all around and Addy's ear infection...the Easter festivities continued.  Mr. Easter Bunny did not disappoint and Isaac had a great time looking for eggs and all of his toys!  The Easter bunny might have gone a little overboard!  In fact...Isaac got up around 5:15 pretty usual these days for him and he found eggs and ate all the candy before I even got out of bed!!  That little stinker.  At least I was able to see him hunt for the ones the Easter bunny dropped on the deck on his way into the house and of course his toys.  Addy of course couldn't have cared less, she was just trying to keep up with Isaac.  We went to Nana and Papa's of course where the Easter bunny came too!  The kids just had a ball and around 2 pm Isaac just fell asleep sitting up he was exhausted and Addy was asleep downstairs!  It was a great Easter...despite the colds!!
He needed to lift up his mattress to see if the Easter bunny put his basket under there!

showing baby how her new toy worked

New Thomas puzzle

He got Salty the dock yard dissel

Thomas the train sticker Easter book

running outside to get the eggs the Easter bunny dropped

all in a days work

so sick, but still trying to be a happy girl

opening babies present from the Easter bunny at Nana and Papa's

with Nana

Emptying all the eggs he found at Nana's

Addy singing about her eggs

My tired tired children

mowing the grass at Nana and Papa's