Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2 is Trouble

It is rare that Isaac takes a nap, and I mean really rare.  However, on this particular day he was extra extra tired and passed out on the couch.  It is even rarer that both of them are sleeping at the same time.  I decided to let Isaac sleep a little and much to my surprise Addy was not having the idea of alone time with Mommy.  Once she discovered that Isaac was on the couch she wouldn't leave his side.  She yelled at him, hit him, stamped her foot and screamed but nothing woke up Isaac.  Her playmate was sleeping and she didn't understand why.  I tried moving her to the basement to give Isaac a couple of minutes of peace but she screamed all the more.  Once back upstairs she crawled right back over to him and demanded his attention once again.  I can't believe Isaac slept through most of the craziness but then yes she did end of waking him up in the long run.
wake up Isaac!  I am going to hit you until you wake up!

I was talking to her telling her to be nice

Back at it again

Isaac finally decided to curl up in a ball and try it ignore her!!

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