This past weekend Seth had to work ALL day and by all day I mean 14 hours!! It was a long 14 hours, especially on a Saturday when we both had colds. I started documenting the day, because I wasn't sure Seth would believe all that went on. By start I mean, I lasted with my documentation until about 2 pm when I either forgot what I was doing or was too tired to continue.
The day started bright and early as it always does at our house, but this morning was slightly different. Isaac decided to wake up Addy by climbing into her crib. Her room know has a child proof knob on it.
She got even she knocked him over!
Then Isaac was able to go to Lowes to make a special project with Nana and Papa. He was very excited and had his apron and ear protection on early waiting for them. Ha ha the ear protection was not required but he had to try them on.
You can see Addy tugging at him for attention. Addy is always looking for his attention.
Isaac returned and the two of them decided it would be fun to play trucks and cars together. Fun for whom, I am not sure. Isaac of course had his plan for where the trucks and cars should go and Addy also had her plan for where she thought they should go.
started out great. Addy watching and Isaac playing |
All lined up and ready for transport |
Yep, here comes the screaming because Addy is wrecking the transportation route. |
The cars are making the jump to the couch |
stopping to fill a couple up with gas. This is very delicate work. |
Finally she got one!! |
Finally....this brings us to lunch time. Usually this goes well, and both are happy when food is involved. But of course not today.
started out okay...falling asleep in her chair with her bottle |
Then she woke up..mad that her bottle was gone. Tried her cereal and as you can see that ended up on the wall and everywhere else because she spit it out. |
Well....That ends the documentation for the day. After this mess was cleaned up we just continued in this fashion until bed time....which that is another story for another day as well.