Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nana's tree and cookie making

Growing up I have fond memories of cookie making with my Grandma Max and setting up her tree that she was always reluctant to do but did for the grandkids.  I am so glad that my kids now get to do the same thing with their Nana!!  Isaac helped a little with the decorating of the tree but he was far more interested in getting to the cookie making.  He is a pro now after our pumpkin making experience.  He did great once again, these cookies of course turned out better than the pumpkins because Nana was involved and Isaac's favorite is the Christmas Trees.  Addy even got in on a little of the cookie making. It was a great day full of great memories!!
Too little to help decorate.  Just watching as Isaac would say.

decorating Nana and Papa's Tree

Nana and Isaac making cookies

I think he was singing a little tune here while rolling out the dough

making something fly

pretty sure Emily and I were never given a bag of flour to play with

Then she was given a bowl with flour in it....that lasted a second and she is now wearing the flour

she thought those boards should be seperated

Look at that smirk!

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