Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

There has always been something about Valentine's day, that I have loved.  Too many it is a hallmark holiday but to me it is just one day out of the year to remember all those you love and make sure to tell them on that day in a special way.
Isaac and I started the day by heading to school.  He and I both have colds now so neither one of us truly wanted to be there, but we both did our best.  Isaac has been stunning the teachers with his dancing moves lately and singing and dancing is his favorite part of the class.  We then headed home to see Nana, truly what he wanted to do in the first place.
Isaac opening his present from Nana and Papa

stuck in the box

It is a little computer that plays songs and you can sing into the mic. 

Isaac was not sure if he liked his present or not.  Nana trying to tell him that she will buy him something else.  we need to work on his manners when opening presents.  It is not okay to say,"no, don't want that."

After our visit with Nana we had to frost our cake and make Daddy his sign.  I frosted and Isaac colored.
Almond cake with Vanilla frosting = delicious

Isaac colored this sign for Seth when he got home.
 When  Seth got home, I am pretty sure he didn't even make it in the door and Isaac announced it was time for cake.  He had been waiting for cake all day and listening to me say, "not until daddy gets home."  Smart boy.  So we ate supper, Isaac pretended and then had cake and more presents.
 My huge present from Seth and Isaac.  Isaac decided it was the perfect place to race his cars.

Isaac helping Daddy with his present.  He got some new shirts and a new brief case.  No more carrying his work papers in cub bags!

Isaac got new race car things for his new Big boy room including a new clothes hamper that he decided to wear.

And...He got a couple of books that he read to us right away.
Despite it being Valentine's day the work on the basement needed to continue.  Grandpa Miller and Seth were back at it after a quick trip to home depot.  Isaac and I spent time decorating his room and playing cars of course.  Then we ended our night with one of Mommy's special doughnuts!
We had a great day, We hope you all were able to do something special on your Valentine's day!

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I loved reading this post and seeing your pictures! Wow, really brightened my day!!!! (I've always liked V-day too, even before I had a sweetheart to share it with, and my mom made it special for our whole family just like you're doing for your family.) :) Looks like Isaac had a lot of fun and "Daddy" was probably so happy to get his gifts.

    By the way, thank you SO MUCH for the sweet valentine for Lily from Isaac!!! What a great surprise in the mail and it came right on Valentine's Day.... so sweet! After I read it to her, Lily kept carrying it around pretending to "read" it aloud again!

