Thursday, April 25, 2013

Embracing Winter for the second time

As everyone else in this wonderful state of MN, I have spent my fair share of time complaining about the weather.  It seems like it is all people are talking about and not talking nice about.  The morale, is awful in the mom circle.  Everyone is so tired of the boots, hats and snowpants, not to mention the cold weather and the fact the kids are even getting tired of playing in the snow.  UGH!!!  So I finally excepted the fact that winter was going to win, and decided my mood needed to change for the kids sake.  AND we needed some more winter activities to do.  Back to pinterest I turned for a few ideas...which sparked many ideas of our own.

Here are some of our latest projects, all NEW.  We have never done these before...and I still have a few more tucked away in case WINTER decides to make another return.

Colored snow in the house: It was way to cold and windy to play outside the first day of this winter we brought the snow inside.  They each had their own bucket of snow...plastic cups of colored water and they went to work.

Isaac made a green snowball first

It wasn't long until Isaac wanted to know if he could turn his cars colors.  I love the science brain cracking inside his little head.

He then made a snowball rainbow

and a pattern...but wasn't able to finish with red before it fell down

We then started making snowmen...they were harder to color so we got out spray bottles

Mommy and Isaac

Isaac completing Addy snowman for her

Second Activity: It was almost time for snack...and our hands were freezing from making real snowmen with real snow.  So this time we decided to make a snowman on paper.

We put three different sized bowls down on a large piece of paper, and Isaac traced  the bowls by himself.

They then did a little bit of decorating. But we decided it needed more than just markers and crayons.

Isaac started gluing some number pieces he had cut out around the snowman for the next part of the decorating.

we made the snowman's face out of smarties

having so much fun

suckers for the arms...numbers around his body

Addy spent her time eating candy...I told you it was almost snack time

We were not done yet.  Marshmellows for the head and body.  Isaac had to find the numbers and then glue down a marshmellow.  He did awesome with his numbers all the way up to 30!

Third Activity: Finally the wind died down a bit and we were able to go outside to play.  They wanted to spray the snow outside different colors.  we went on walks doing this as well.  All of our neighbors appreciated their rainbow snow!

 Fourth Activity: As if we don't have enough snow flakes in our yard we decided to try to make some of our own.  Science experiment: boiling water with 1/3 cup of borax.  Create snowflake shapes on pipe cleaners and dangle in the water solution over night.  This was the hardest part for the kids.  They wanted the snow flakes to appear immediately.

In the morning we woke up to crystals that formed all over the pipe cleaners

we have been way cooler with white pipe cleaners
 Fifth Activity: Easter egg hunt outside.  Isaac loves the Easter bunny...and we do lots of number and letter hunts around our house.  He think the Easter bunny comes back to hide them each cute.  This time I put the letter and number pieces of paper in the plastic eggs, threw them all over the yard.  Oh and a few had  treats in them, and they had a blast running all over and picking them up.  Isaac loved opening each egg well over 70 eggs and finding the numbers and letters on his sheets and marking them off.  Great learning activity combined with exercise and Easter Bunny continues to amaze them.

Addy pointing and saying more more more. Easter bunny went to the backyard too.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Mommy take my picture

Addy LOVES the camera and for one reason she loves looking at pictures of the "baby".  She loves seeing herself in people's fancy phones (smart phones) and she loves taking the camera and taking pictures of herself.  This particular day was no exception...however none of the pictures turned out.  So she handed the camera to me and stood there saying "cheeeese".  Adorable!  Love you Addy!
attempt one

attempt two: she is saying cheese to herself

attempt three

cheese (somehow I have to get her to smile instead of saying cheese)

again speaking when she should just smile

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Addy

Our precious little Addy is now 2!  It is hard to believe...but we are all looking forward to seeing what year two brings to Addy.  We are hoping it brings her a year of better health (no surgeries would be nice) and look forward to hearing and seeing all of her firsts!  It is fun to hear Isaac so excited when Addy says new words for the first time.  We are ready for this year and we celebrated with a Barney themed party!!  Barney and Baby bop are Addy's two most favorite people (dinosaurs) in the world.
Addy bday collage

polka dot cake with Barney cupcakes

Me and Addy

determined to get a cupcake


me with my Grandma and Grandpa & addy of course

some of the yummy treats

opening presents

toys for the sandbox

Barney card

she was very excited about it

she thought this was a stroller

Happy Easter

It wasn't a very Happy Easter around our house.  The kids had little colds and coughs and I spent nearly three days in bed...without a voice and with the worst sore throat and cold that I have ever had.  Went to the dr. in hopes that it was strep so I could have some medicine and instead I heard those awful words,"It's a virus it has to run its course."  Being that I couldn't talk or do anything Seth had to do the Easter coloring of eggs and making of the cupcakes with the kids mostly himself..  I was able to snap a few pics and give a few directions but that's about it.  Already looking forward to next week in hopes of making it a much more memorable holiday.
coloring easter eggs

making Easter cupcakes

so proud she was helping

The Easter Bunny put Isaac's basket in the bath tub!

finished cupcakes

he tried to put on his boot and there were eggs in his boots too

all the eggs the easter bunny left

looking for eggs at Nana's house

Easter Bunny brought legos to Nana's

Easter bunny brought Addy a Barney trumpet