Saturday, October 22, 2011

Isaac's first field trip

Isaac had his first field trip to the apple orchard this week.  He was pretty excited to get to ride on a hay ride and pick apples and pumpkins.  I was pretty excited to see him grow up and be able to do this.  We had a great time.  It was a little chilly but there was a lot to do there and with all the walking we stayed pretty warm.  Isaac had a blast picking apples, pumpkins, seeing the animals, climbing the tire tower and playing at the park.  It was a great morning and a great first field trip with this school.

On the wagon with his apples and on his way to the pumpkin patch

me and Isaac on the wagon

stopping to eat a treat; an apple donut of course

Climbing the tire tower

going down the slide

Hello, I am 6 months!!

I took a few pictures at home of Addy when she turned 6 months.  I think they turned out pretty good!!

Isaac and Addy

Now that Addy can sit up the playing between Isaac and Addy is even better to watch.  Yes, there is the occasional stealing of Addy's toys but for the most part Isaac really wants to play with her.  A couple weeks ago this is how I found Isaac and Addy.  Isaac loves letting Addy pull his hair, and then he tells her that is naughty.  Sooo cute :)  He also builds blocks so she can knock them over, plays with her toes and they both pull on each other all the time.  My favorite part of being a mom to two, is seeing how much these two LOVE each other and watching their relationship grow.  I can't wait to see what happens when Addy starts to crawl and can really get into Isaac's toys.  Things might be a little different then, but for now I am enjoying seeing this:
He puts his head down and lets her pull his hair.

Giving Addy a hug

Having a conversation

Addy pulling Isaac

tickling her toes

I can't believe they both looked at me!!

Giving Addy her toy

New trick

Addy is a pro at sitting up by herself now.  She loves it, and really doesn't want anything to do with her walker or bumbo seat anymore.  She wants to be on the floor playing all the time!  These are a few pics from her first time really sitting up, she is much better now of course.

Addy and her cereal

Addy got the okay from the doctor at her 6 month check up to start cereal.  We thought she would LOVE it since she had been eyeing our food and opening her mouth to eat for so long.  Well....It didn't start out that way.  She really has a love/hate relationship with the cereal.  Somedays she would eat it but mostly she acted like I was trying to feed her garbage.  Then one day while we were eating supper (squash as the vegetable) she had her mouth opened and I was trying to get Isaac to try it so I said, "look baby is going to eat it."  I held it up to her mouth and she pushed my hand closer so she could really have a bite.  That was it, she LOVES squash.  AND she also ate some of Isaac's banana yesterday.  SO....I decided to mix squash with her cereal and now she will eat her cereal.  So weird, that she likes that strong flavor.  Here are a dew pics from her first time eating cereal.  I must say she was not quite as messy as I remember Isaac being.
Isaac gave her a pack of diapers to play with while she waited for her cereal.

first bite

Isaac said, "baby messy!"

Not too sure about this

she much prefered to play with this cup

a little bit of water is in it.  New toy!

she loves it as a toy, we shall see when it is time to actually use it!

Hi Ho Hi Ho it is off to Papa's work we go!!

Isaac has been asking for some time to go to Papa's work.  Not sure how or why this came up but it wasn't leaving his daily discussions until it happened.  So off to Papa's work we went.  For those who don't know my Dad is Assistant Director of Corporate Tax at the MN Dept. of Revenue in St  Paul.  Why Isaac would want to go here, was anyones guess but of course he had a blast seeing Papa at work.  And I am pretty sure Papa had a blast showing off his grandkids!
All dressed and waiting to go to Papa's work

waiting for Papa to come get us

Isaac sitting at Papa's desk

Reviewing some tax documents together.  Pretty sure my dad thinks Isaac is going to someday work with taxes!

Walking down the hall

Of course they ended their visit with a trip to the cafeteria for fries and water

Isaac and School

Isaac absolutely LOVES school this year.  He remembers and adores teacher Barb and asks to see her almost everyday.  We have even seperated just like all the other kids and I actually get to go to the parent meeting and talk with other moms!!  Here are a couple pics before we left on his first day.
Getting Isaac to stand still for a picture almost never happens.  This one was the best!

He wanted to hold Addy before leaving for school.

Giving teacher Barb the picture he painted for her.  It now hangs in the classroom!!