It is every Mom's worst fear, the sound of earth shattering crying from your precious baby. Everyone knows Addy can make some noise with her crying, however every mom also knows the sound of the crying and what it means. On friday I heard for the first time Addy's pain cry and there is nothing worse. Unfortunately, poor little Isaac gave his sister a swollen/black eye. What started as a fun game of throwing his shoes into the trees ended when the shoe came crashing down on Addy's little face. Thankfully she checked out at the Dr., no broken bones and/or vision impairments. They rest assured me that there was no brain damage (yes, I was worried about the brain and anyone who knows the Millers, knows why) and ultimately had a few laughs at my expense. I didn't care, I needed to know my baby girl was okay! Isaac on the other hand has been instructed to keep his shoes on his feet. What a day!