Three specialists in one week, I think we have had our share. Seth started out the week by going to see a podiatrist for his very overdue toe problem. He had a massive ingrown toe nail removed. To quote the dr." This may be a record." Gross!!
Isaac went to see an optometrist this week. He won't leave his eyes alone, and rubs them on anything and everything. I feared that he might not be seeing well and was trying to clear his vision. Nope, not the case he has very plugged tear ducts. He has to be on drops for about a month, oh the fun of those!!
And, well then there is baby and me. We went to go see the obgyn that will be doing the c-section. Set a date and time for the section. April 5th, St. John's at 9 am. I am so excited to be done with this pregnancy and meet our last baby. We also discussed my latest health problem of shaking suddenly and overall sickness. All blood work came back fine, so as usual they are not sure and most likely baby is to blame.
I hate the shaking spells and as you can see from the pic so does Isaac. He often won't leave my side, and as I was directed to do I must stay in bed. Isaac often reads to me, eats his snack and wants me to watch a movie with him in bed. I can tell he is going to be very helpful with the baby, but I already fear his reaction to mommy healing after the c-section.
watching "rocket" on the t.v. and holding my blanket. |
Yes, he read me all those books in front of him. |